Monday, April 3, 1995


Charlotte Observer, The (NC)
Section: MAIN NEWS
Edition: ONE - FOUR
Page: 4A



Michael Earnhardt is an admitted ``trial-o-holic.'' So obsessed is he with the O.J. Simpson trial that he's taken seven vacation days to see the testimony of principal witnesses.

``I've taken two days of vacation to watch Mark Fuhrman,'' he said of the Los Angeles police detective who withstood a grilling by the defense. 

While engrossed in the coverage, something caught Earnhardt's eye - the hourglass collection Judge Lance Ito displays in court.

The 52-year-old Charlottean said he decided to send Ito an hourglass to add to his collection in recognition of the work he's doing.

``Judge Ito has been the subject of a good bit of criticism,'' he said. ``There seems to be an awful lot of armchair judges. If these critics would have been given the chance to do his job, I don't think they would have done as well.''

Earnhardt, who works for the Interstate/Johnson Lane Inc. brokerage firm, is something of an armchair attorney himself.

``I'd love to be a courtroom attorney sitting third chair,'' he said, ``the one who sits back and studies the witnesses' strained expressions, raised eyebrows and contradictions in tonality. I'd do the research and give advice to the first chair.''

Watching for those details on TV in his Yorkmont Road living room, he spotted the hourglasses.

``I've noticed perhaps 20 he's displayed. He's rotated them around a little bit . . . keeping three to four sitting out on his side bar,'' he said.

A spokeswoman for Ito said he keeps them there for no special reason. He just likes them.

After scrutinizing the collection on TV, Earnhardt set out to find the perfect addition.

It wasn't easy finding one in Charlotte. ``There's really no demand for them,'' he said.

Earnhardt finally bought an hourglass through an antiques dealer. It cost $36.

``The gift is a small recognition of the excellent results which you are achieving in such an extremely difficult courtroom situation,'' Earnhardt wrote in a March 8 letter to Ito. Earnhardt said the antiques dealer assured him it was an antique, but there was no certificate of authenticity. ``Therefore, you be the judge,'' he wrote Ito.

On March 15, Earnhardt saw the hourglass on Ito's side bar on television and videotaped it.

``I was absolutely thrilled. That day it was the new one that had never been on TV before and it seemed to have the place of honor nearest to the American flag,'' he said.

Soon afterward, a letter of thanks arrived.

Earnhardt said he admires Ito because he is presiding over one of the nation's most famous murder trials while it's being televised around the world.

``He is doing something that has never been done in the history of the world,'' Earnhardt said.

Judge Ito's letter
March 13, 1995
Dear Mr. Earnhardt,
I was both touched and encouraged to receive the beautiful hour-glass and kind note. It will make a wonderful addition to my collection of hour-glasses and I look forward to displaying it along with the others. Your exceptional thoughtfulness in purchasing this lovely antique for me is much appreciated.
Lance A. Ito 

.Earnhardt. 2.CNN photo: Gift from a Charlottean: The antique hourglass sent to Judge Lance Ito by Michael Earnhardt of Charlotte was displayed on Ito's side bar March 15. It's the one closest to the American flag. 

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